Monday 19 November 2012

Filming update

We have been filming our music video for two weeks now. We are on target to finish filming next week. We have completed these shots. I have written small evaluation of  problems we came across in filmingsome of the shots:
- Phone:
When we began filming the phone (a very simple shot with little movement) we decided to place the phone in front of a floral background in order to be inkeeping with our overall mise-en-scene that will hopefully appeal to our target audience.
- Numbers:
We are really pleased with the variety of different house numbers we found around Ludlow and feel that they will look very effective when edited into a fast sequence.
- Snakes and Ladders:
 The snakes and ladders board we have used is brightly coloured and looks exciting and fun. It therefore works well with the overall tone of our video.
- Glue
- Tap
- Cupcakes
- Back of heads
- Walking on pavement
- Hat
- Lyrics on cards- Filming the lyrics on cards took a lot of trial and error as we had to make sure the lyrics could be seen and understood clearly. We completed this succesfully and feel that the jump between characters holding the cards will really relate and appeal to our young, female audience.
Next week we are planning to film the performance section of our music video with our actress Jess who will play the part of our performer. We were hoping to film this section on the assembley rooms stage but because of scheduling problems this is not possible. We have worked around this problem and decided to use the smaller stage in the old school room at college. This is availible on the day we want to film and will be convenient as it is in college.

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