Thursday 18 October 2012

Health and Safety: Risk Assessment

 Potential Dangers
Potential Outcomes
Actions to avoid potential outcomes
Further comments
Tripping over pavement in town centre
Twisted ankle
Not a serious injury but must be avoided
Wear sensible footwear, and beware of where we are walking at all times

Filming in a public place, bumping into other people due to  over crowded.
This could result in someone falling over which may cause someone to hurt their ankle or have small grazes.
Choose a day to film when the market is not there which means, Ludlow should not be to over crowd.
Generally beware of public walking around Ludlow when filming.
Potential road accidents such as getting hit by car when filming on the pavement.

This could result in a serious injury such as broken bone, if the car is traveling fast it could be very serious.
Make sure we stay far away from the edge of the pavement when filming to prevent getting to close to any passing cars.
We should choose to film in quieter places in Ludlow where there aren’t too many passing cars.
Weather conditions, heavy rain means ground will become slippery so it may be easy for someone to slip. Windy weather conditions means the camera will be less stable.
This could result in someone falling and hurting themselves. Due to the wind we may drop the equipment and filming will not be as clear as it hard to film in bad weather conditions
Check weather forecast before recording. If it is wet underfoot, sensible footwear should be worn to prevent slipping.

When filming in the assembly rooms it may be crowded if there is a performance on, could result in someone tripping.
This may result in someone hurting there ankle or getting a graze.
Choose a day to film in the assembly rooms when its not busy and there isn’t a performance on at the same time.

Falling of stage in the assembly rooms
Could result in a serious injury such as braking a bone, but this not likely to happen.
Make sure everyone is aware of the size of the stage, and don’t perform to close to the edge.
We are only going to do a small amount of filming in the assembly rooms which means we should limit the amount of risks which may occur.

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