Thursday 11 October 2012

Pitch feedback

After we presented our pitch to the rest of the class, we carried out a feedback questionnaire. Here are the questions we asked; the feedback we recieved and what we have learnt and gained from this feedback.

1. Why do you think our concept is appropriate for our genre?

'The genre is appropriate to you genre as its quite unique and different which that genre normally tends to be'
'Its quite quirky and different'
'The mood board links well with the kind of music- quite quirky'
'Concept is quite quirky/eccentric-fits in with genre conventions'

The response to this question is very positive; the class seem to understand the relationship we have aimed to create between our concept and 'quirky', 'eccentric' genre.

2. What aspects of our concept do you think will appeal to our target audience?

'Style of clothes'
'The style of the video and how its quite eccentric and very feminine'
'The quirkiness, jumpiness (editing) and fashion'
'Quite a girly music video; this appeals to female target audience.'
'Style of clothes'
'I could imagine students listening to this genre of music.'

From the feedback, we can see that the styling and editing ideas for our video are the features that the class feel will appeal to our target audience the most.

3. Do you feel that our concept presents an appropriate brand image for our artist? Why?

'Yes because the concept fits in with the conventions of the genre.'
'Focus on fashion and style, appropriate branding technique for the artist.'
'Appropriate brand image, very entropic therefore relate well with this genre and individuality'

Again the class had fed back the idea that the 'entropic', eccentric and 'individual' features of our planned mise-en-scene will communicate an effective and appropriate brand image.

4. Do you think our locations are appropriate for our song?

'Yes, genre normally set in a rural, quite area.'
'The busyness of the town and the people on the streets will contribute to the jumpy feel of the video.'

As supported by Goodwin's theory that 'music videos demonstrate typical characteristics of the artist's genre' the class agree that our chosen locations will suit the genre of our song.

5. Do you think our lack of narrative is effective and appropriate for our song, genre and target audience?

'The lack of narrative lets you focus more on the song'
'The lack of narrative makes the video clear and simple'
'It ties in with the abstract nature of the genre'
'Yes as most other video of the same genre have little narrative.'
'It's quirky'.

The class feel that the lack of a clear narrative in our video will be a very effective, 'abstract', 'quirky' and 'clear' feature which will suit our genre and target audience.

The overall response from our questionnaire is very positive and has highlighted some of the ideas that the class particularly like e.g. The styling; the editing; the quirky and vintage mise-en-scene.

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