Thursday 18 October 2012


 Here are our chosen filming locations.

The assembly rooms will be used for the performance aspects of the video. Here is an image of the stage where we will film Jess our performer singing and playing guitar.
We want to show our artist performing in order to present her in a live enviroment that suggested that she is a talented live performer. Seeing the artist performing is a vital part of a music video and a huge convention of our genre. We hope that our artist will be appealing to our target audience through filming in this location.

The market place and the streets around Ludlow will be used for the narrative sections of our video, in which the lyrics are seen on card held be the four girls in our video. The number sequence inspired by the olympic countdown will also be performed around Ludlow. we want to use the town in order to create a relatable feel to the video. We don't want to use eloborate glamourous sets for a music video as we want our artist to seem relatable to our audience like she is just like them. We also feel that Ludlow's small street and old buildings will fit in well with our vintage, quirky mise-en-scene that our target audience will really appreciate.

1 comment:

  1. Try to add a bit more detail. Why are you using these locations? Appropriate for target audience? Are they conventional for your genre?
