Tuesday 11 December 2012

Digipak and CD research: Florence and the machine

 Digipak and CD research of artists in chose genre: Indie/Pop

The first artist I am going to look at is Florence and the Machine and her album 'Lungs'.
Florence and the machine is an indie/ pop artist with a quirky and eccentric artist image.

The front cover of the CD is the same image seen in the magazine advert. This repetition is creating a stylistic motif and recognisable brand identity which Goodwin suggests is often a demand of the record company. Like in the magazine advert the image is extremely entropic with the styling, posing and mise-en-scene which create a very eccentric brand identity. the font is the same as that used in the magazine advert making this another visual motif that would become recognisable and memorable for the target audience.
 The dark colour palette continues throughout the digipak with accents of oranges and pinks as well as glaring stage lights. The image seen on the inside front pane show Florence performing. This image portrays the idea the Florence is an talented and interactive live performer (with the image showing her very close to the audience and her fans) this image and idea would really appeal to the target audience as her target demographic are very interested in live, authentic, un mainstream music. The image on the CD itself is very entropic; it is not very clear what the picture shows. The photo has been edited to look almost like a Pre-Raphaelite painting with the glowing luminosity and gentle colours. This entropic image as well as its intertextual references would really appeal to Florence's target audience because of its quirky eccentric tone and artistic references.

The booklet within the Digipak contains entropic images of Florence. The images are very original and eccentric making them a typical visual convention of the indie genre. WIth the images also come lyrics from the songs on the album, supporting Goodwin's idea the visual reflect and emphasise the artist's lyrics.

The composition of the back pane is dominated by a diagram of human lungs. THis image reflects the name of the album is a visual motif seen throughout the digipak. This is an example of a coherent and consistent brand image being created. The monochrome palette of this pane contrasts with areas of colour in the digipak especially the CD making this the focus of the digipak. A visual technique that suggested the music is the most important aspect of the brand. This focus would really appeal to Florence's target audience as they really care about the quality of the music more than the more visual aspects that are typically focused on in the mainstream pop genre.
At the bottom of the rear pane there are links to the artist's website and instruction that say: 'Insert the disc into you computer to unlock bonus content'. This interactive features makes the artist seem really relatable and the purchased CD very personnal. The digital aspect of the digipak really targets and is appropriate for Florence's young target audience as the internet is such a big part of teenage life. When the CD is inserted into a computer you are directed to Florence's website on which she uses her blog to communicate and interact with fans. This is exposing her target audience to a very direct interaction with Florence and merging to promotional media platforms: digipak and social media into one.
Cd inserted into computer

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