Thursday 31 January 2013

Magazine advert feedback

I have completed my magazine advert design and want to again get some feedback as this was so useful in the production of my digipak. It really allowed me to understand and gain the opinion of my target audience.

My magazine advert is a half page as my artist is a newly signed artist. This subtle sized advert is appropriate for the indie/ pop genre.
The advert has clear links with the digipak and music video which creates a strong and consistent house style which abides with Goodwin's theory that different media platforms are linked visually.

Here are some quotes from the feedback questionnaire.

Do you feel that the advert links well with my digipak and music video?
'You can see a certain house style'    'The pictures link both'
'The collage demonstrates the quirky feel'

Do you think the advert is bold and attention grabbing?
'Yes the bold font make it stand out'   'The bold fonts draw you in'

Do you feel that the advert will attract the attention and appeal to my target audience?
'Yes as the bold font and colour makes you look at the advert'
'You look and see straight away its girly and vintage which will appeal to target audience'

Is there anything that could be changed or improved?
'Could put what some magazine think'

I think the idea of adding quotes from magazine reviews is a great idea as evidence of musical talent and acclaim really appeals to an indie target audience.

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